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these quotidian rhythms

September 15, 2013

oh, they are so altered…

each day i awaken and wonder at what my day will hold,

what new and unexpected turn it may take.

on hold are the days of list-making/achievement-seeking/accomplishment,

and in their place have been days of isolation, dependency, and limitations.

my main focus now is healing,

and i’m doing a rather nice job, methinks.

i’m sitting upstairs at the computer typing this post–

did you get the “upstairs” part?

the home physical therapist coached me on the stairs this week,

and i did it easily.

i must admit, i was excited about that.

it allows me access to my art studio and to my digital photography studio,

so i can resume some creative activity.

the biggest hole in my day is spending time with the horses,

something that will have a wait a bit yet.

physically i have made it out to the pens to give them some lovin’,

but that is on hold temporarily due to weather.

perhaps you’ve heard we’ve had some heavy rains here?

heavy as in ‘wide-spread flooding, road closures,

declared a national disaster area’ rains.

boulder county is an absolute mess,

and longmont was literally a city divided by the raging floodwaters

right through the middle of town.

the road we live on is closed because it is washed out to the north

and to the south of us.

we’re lucky–  our little wonderland is sitting high and dry,

relatively speaking.

muddy, yes, but no standing water.

our biggest inconvenience is that we received the alert to boil all water for

drinking, cooking, and dishwashing.

this makes me glad that i do have someone here with me all the time,

because i’d have a little trouble lugging pots of water between

the sink and the stove.

it’s a helpful side-effect that a solid week of school closures

makes the whole family available to help out.

i do love my peeps.


there are a few things i’d like to share,

starting with the surprise laying of subfloor in the barn studio

by my tribe the weekend after i got home.

thank goodness they texted me these images so i could “see” it happen!

yes, i do love my tribe.

you saw the bare bones of the studio,

so here is the subfloor after being carried up:


after the work has begun:


and upon completion:


note that all the random framing for past uses has been cleared out and the floor is wide open!


now, go ahead and squint…

can you picture the french doors straight ahead

to let in vast amounts of natural light and fresh air?

we can.

then comes the spraying of insulation,

some kind of wall board (undecided),

and spray painting the walls and ceilings.

one end is for easel work,

the other end for furniture work.

we’ll build some framed platforms in various sizes

to allow us to elevate pieces of furniture in process.

cool, yes?

apparently the get-well-soonies are doing the job:


i’m raring to go!!


here are a couple shots of rose and me the day i came home

that didn’t make it into the last blog post:


i looked rather like poo that day so i cropped myself out of most of them


and altered the rest.

walking down the drive to the corner of the horse pen i had a little help

getting the horses to stand still enough to take a picture (or perhaps several…)


you can smell the anticipation when they saw the girls heading for the alfalfa field!

although the horses all get along quite well and enjoy each other’s company,

this mother/son pair are perhaps the closest friends among our herd of seven.

what follows is a rather hilarious series on the power of FOOD with horses:


with all due respect, mother, this bunch is clearly meant for ME.


aah, this is equity in action.  we like it.




** thanks **


ahem.  excuse me?


later that evening i wandered out to the baby pen as feeding began.


cormac was the first to come over, despite the disctaction of dinner…

he has the sweetest dispostion–  i think you can see that in his eyes.


mama was watching over the fence.

i think she would have come over if she could have.


then meadbh came over, too.

it was pure delight to feel their soft baby muzzles in my hands again.


once the big horses had been fed, however,

the distraction was just too great and they had to go pace the fenceline

until their dinner arrived.


after this the rains came,

so i missed out on trekking over to the pens for a few days.

yesterday, though, the sun came out!!


i sat out on the deck with sara and looked at shadow patterns on the lawn

for the first time in four days.


and despite an evening shower,

we were blessed with a brilliant golden sunset.


today has been a good day.

i’ve done some light housekeeping, cooked my own breakfast,

watered plants, and completed a blog post,

along with a brief trip into town for ice cream and flood surveillance.

in fact, i may just be transitioning back towards accomplishment.

well, who knew?!


look who got herself upstairs in the barn to check out the new subfloor

in the studio conversion!


yup, definitely kicking it up a notch!

life is good–

thanks for being a part of it!


12 Comments leave one →
  1. September 15, 2013 2:29 am

    good to see your smiling face….and the *whole* of you up in the barn!!


    p.s. get weller soon!

    • sassysistersink permalink*
      September 15, 2013 2:46 am

      thanks, marie!
      i will… no, i AM!!!!

  2. oksana permalink
    September 15, 2013 2:57 am

    sooooo good to see you up and around and looking so beautiful – gorgeous photos as
    usual – thank you for sharing – stay well

    • sassysistersink permalink*
      September 15, 2013 3:07 am

      thanks, oksana– i’m so glad you stopped by!
      i can always tell i’m feeling better when i start getting anxious to do things,
      and i’m certainly feeling that now!
      your comments are very kind and will help keep me moving towards recovery!

  3. September 15, 2013 4:32 am

    I’ve been sending you tons of light every day – I hope you feel it. You deserve wellness and wholeness galore. xoxoxox

    • sassysistersink permalink*
      September 15, 2013 5:43 pm

      oh, Allison– i HAVE felt it! it must be the glowing ember i’ve discovered within that is propelling me forward! thanks for your support– it means a lot to me!

  4. Mary permalink
    September 15, 2013 1:45 pm

    So glad to see you on your feet! Thinking of you and the clan a lot these days.

    • sassysistersink permalink*
      September 15, 2013 5:49 pm

      oh how i wish you could come over for tea and sit with me to watch the rain! the clan has been thinking of you, too, and how you’re coming along with transitioning the ripley house into your year-round home. send me some photos when you can, OK? xoxo

  5. Laurie permalink
    September 15, 2013 9:50 pm

    so many gorgeous photos!
    this is while you’ll heal so well . . . because in the midst of the turmoil & pain, you still see the beauty all around! you got this, J! you really really do!

    you’ll be back on the sunny coast before you know it — and we’ll be here welcoming you with open arms xx

    • sassysistersink permalink*
      September 15, 2013 11:24 pm

      thanks, laurie! sometimes i feel like an emotional roller coaster, but you’re right– i’m catlike in landing on my feet (well, except for that day in the arena…). it is a great motivation to look forward to traveling to the coast and reuniting once again!! soooo looking forward to it!!

  6. Brandi permalink
    September 15, 2013 11:18 pm

    Lookin’ good lady. Glad you could get out and feel the sun, not only after a spell of “weather” rain, but cloudy days of body and spirit as well.

    • sassysistersink permalink*
      September 15, 2013 11:31 pm

      you’ve got that right! they warned me at the hospital that there would be good days and bad days, and at first that seemed terribly correct… i feel like i’m on an upward swing and that movement is getting easier. yay.
      weather-wise, it’s been pouring all day which is decidedly not good. the national guard is all over keeping areas secure and now the clean-up efforts begun yesterday have taken a major setback. once again i’m seeking sunshine! xx

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