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they’re kind of a big deal…

December 27, 2013

i never used to like basketball.

to listen to the shoes squeaking up and down the court

when a game was on tv drove me nearly to madness.

i’m sure this is precisely why i was blessed

with two daughters who played basketball

(and a third who joined in the fun

as a cheerleader).

i spent literally years on hard gym bleachers

watching and learning how to appreciate the game.

four years each of high school,

followed by four years each of college ball.

that is a LOT of basketball.

but gosh…  over the years i learned about

a lot more than basketball.

i learned that to encourage your kids to do

what they have a passion for,

to have a different meal time every day

according to practice and game schedules,

to insist on the homework being done well

despite hours of practice and travel to and from games,

and the willingness to drive on icy roads

for out of town games

because basketball is a winter sport–

well, they all work together to instill

values and character in student athletes.

they lead to excellence.

and when a parent is rewarded

with the realization that their student athlete is inducted

into the university’s athletic hall of fame,

that’s a real proud moment.

when both student athletes are?

i have no words to describe it.

i will say this, however–

as proud as i am of the athletic and academic achievements

of my girls,

it doesn’t hold a candle to the pride that i have for them as individuals.

they are some of the finest people on the planet.

they really are kind of a big deal–

Screen shot 2013-12-26 at 7.08.55 PM

please go ****HERE**** to find out why!!

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Mary Harte permalink
    December 27, 2013 12:45 pm

    They are amazing and you are so lucky to have them, but they are the way they are because of you! I read the article that Sara put on FB. What an honor for both of them.

    • sassysistersink permalink*
      December 27, 2013 1:39 pm

      oh mary, i do love you!! i know you understand. we did raise some amazing daughters, didn’t we?!

  2. December 27, 2013 3:19 pm

    *of course* they are a big deal.
    they are part of you….and they are quite special, and beautiful, to boot!

    • sassysistersink permalink*
      December 27, 2013 4:57 pm

      and you are so very kind, my friend!
      thanks for sharing my joy with me!

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